NCFE Level III Art & Design
Good grief you would think I had enough to do - no not I! I have commenced and completed Module 1 of NCFE Level III in Art & Design.
The first module was a challenge, 'Drawing.' Yeh, yeh I know what's difficult about that? Well if you are like me, I am happiest when I am working with colour, give me a pencil, a bit of charcoal and ask me to draw something I go into a cold sweat! So whilst I eventually got into my comfort zone with pastels, I still found it challenging and the module stretched me - always good.
Module 2 has begun and we are playing with Textiles - WOW I am like a child with a new toy, love, love, love it! Batik, Transfer Paint Printing bring it on...will be posting photos as they become available.
The course runs for a year, so I will not have completed until July next year - phew that is if I can stay the course.
Do come back, read my blog and I will let you know how its going...