Workshops in Tournon D'Agenais have begun...
I am delighted to say that I have been running Glass Fusion workshops here in beautiful Tournon D'Agenais. The feedback has been very positive and two ladies have even joined me for a second workshop.

The picture on the left, from a recent participant's work, who hadn't cut glass before. I am always overjoyed to see the end results and the delight on the individuals faces when they see what they have produced.
I don't like to be prescriptive in my teachings, it gives me far more pleasure to see where someone wants to go, and then help them get there.

We work from photos, books anything that inspires one to want to create. A good example the picture to the right, taken from a book and with very little cutting, using the broken pieces of glass frits (small fragments of glass) and stringers to create something similar but with ones own 'twist' imagination. The idea isn't to copy but to add YOU to the design.

I love the idea here on the left of taking flowers but not actually cutting all of the petals, instead using the different types of materials available in glass to create texture, perspective and interest. The participant decided to abstract some of the flowers and to limit the design, less is more. This again was someone who hadn't worked with Glass Fusion before, their first attempt!
The importance of letting go, not to be attached to the end result and to take the journey of exploration and creativity aids in producing the most amazing results. All of the below are beginners work. Why not come on a journey, and see where Glass Fusion can take you!