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I expect you have had many of these notifications over the past few days especially if you are living in France. We are now in Lockdown, Google definition 'a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure', 'the confining of prisoners to their cells.' The latter definitely feels that way, strange to have to fill out a form to take the dog for a walk, or to go to the shops for food. I know it is for the good of all, and hopefully the next 15-days we will see a reduction in the numbers of new cases...

So saying the above, Reay Art will not be offering any workshops until further notice and the restrictions have been lifted by the French Government and we can go about our business as usual.

I have stated that I will therefore offer no time limit on any Valid Gift Vouchers purchased, or where applicable offer alternative dates to workshops booked.

Please stay safe everyone, and where possible remember to call those that are on their own, it is easy to forget when we are in partnerships or families, that there are those out there who have no one - a telephone call can make all the difference!

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47370 Tournon D'Agenais, France

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