Glass Fusion / Decoupage
Two dates for your diary, October there is a special Glass Fusion Workshop either on Saturday 24th or Sunday 25th, where I will be showing you how you can create amazing glass fusion using dried leaves, flowers. Start collecting those beautiful Autumn colours now and bring them along with you. Leaves that lay flat are ideal. Fern leaves provide great results. Plant leaves on branches that are no more than 1/8th inch thick also work very well. The process is called Fossil Vitra Fused Glass and you will be amazed at the stunning results.

The second date is in November, where Sallyanne will be demonstrating how to create beautiful items using Decoupage. Decoupage or découpage is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects, gold leaf and other decorative elements. Commonly, an object like a small box or an item of furniture is covered by cutouts from magazines or from purpose-manufactured papers. This will be a fun day and Sallyanne is a wonderful teacher and you will go home with something special.

To book either of these special workshops, please email at: we are limiting the places in order to provide as much one to one tuition, and to meet Covid requirements. No more than a maximum of 4 per workshop. Masks will be required, all desks are disinfected as are any tools/equipment. Hand sanitizer always available in the studio. Sallyanne and I look forward to spending a fun day with you!