Wouldn't it be great if you could get together with like-minded people and make new friends. Have a creative space in order to work on your projects, instead of perhaps setting out everything on the kitchen/dining room table. Well now you can, here at Reay Art I have decided to create 'R' Tea Noons, an opportunity to pop along to the gallery/studio with your projects and create to your hearts content. I have tables, easels, great lighting, and music - if you want it.

We will be offering delicious afternoon teas prepared by SallyBoo, who I must say makes the most yummy cakes.
The idea evolved from when I used to be in an art group in the UK, we used to get together once a week, there were 8 of us. It used to be invaluable to be able to bounce ideas off, get positive feedback on what you were doing, and generally be in this most amazing creative space. Guidance was always available too. We even exhibited together, that was fun, arranging where we would have our exhibition, what the marketing materials would be, and generally putting it all together. Let alone the excitement of opening night.
At the moment I am offering these on Sundays from 2:30pm tea will of course be served at 3:30pm, starting on the 4th July 2021 see Classes & To Book Online, in order to grab your place, limited to just 6 people. Please bring your own materials for your projects.